Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2017

VIECC 2016

Hello everyone! Vienna Comic Con 2016…
 It was great and also the first time for me cosplaying. I cosplayed Yuki Kuran from Vampire Knight. And first I thought I will feel awkward or just strange. But it was totally awesome and fun. I didn’t feel like myself but like a piece of me which I’ve never could show to anyone before. If that makes any sense XD. The best part and also the best marking part of my costume was Artemis  my wapon. Everyone from my group just found me again or the rest of the group with me because of Artemis XD it was really easy to find each other again after we part or lost each other. Ok now back to the topic.

 Vienna Comic Con …. It was bigger this time than in 2015. At the VIECC 2016 were 2 halls and also I think more “stores” and more artists. And the “funny” part for myself was when some people asked me for a picture with them XD that was an awesome and strange feeling at the same time XD The first one was a guy who cosplayed Sasuke from Naruto that was a great crossover XD I’m a big fan of Sasuke and made me smile XD But I was also so perplex that I forgot to take also a pic with my phone ;(
The sweetest moment was when a little girl asked me if she can have a pic she was really cute and so happy when I said yes. OOOOOOOh  I wanted to hug her. I think I also smiled like her when I found the best Black Butler team cosplay ever  and took pics with them. OOOH that made my Black Butler heart jump sooo high XD XD. At the Comic Con were many people who just came for the Youtube stars who were also more than the year before. I have to say the organisation and the events and so many other things were really good and I had more fun because it was good organised. So a big thanks to the VIECC Team who organised such a great Comic Con!!!!!!
At the Comic con you saw so many things and stars and goodie bags that you were really overwhelmed with everything XD That was one of the reasons when I came home and fall dead into my bed. We bought many goodie bags and gift boxes that was also a great idea because there were so many and great stuffs in there. It was really worth it and they would have been also great surprises for birthdays etc. Next year I’m also going to buy a gift box or a theme gift box. After I saw what was in there when my friends opened them XD gosh I need one of that XD 

So everyone who wants to have fun, experience something new or is interested to go to a Comic Con I recommend the VIECC and to bring a lot of money with you XD

mata ne


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