Sonntag, 19. Februar 2017

Secret Garden

Hello / Anyeaong /こんにちは everyone! Some of you who are already addicted to K-drama are going to say “What? Secret Garden? That’s an old one.” Yeah it’s not one of the newest but I really love it and I watch it I think about 6 times a year. Not only because of the actors but also because of the story and characters.
In this drama the main characters are played by Ha Ji-Won ( gosh she’s one of my favourite actresses) and Hyun Bin. But Lee Jong Suk has also a role ;) and I’m a fan of this actortoo XD... ok I'm a fan of many actors XD XD
Kim Joo-Won (Hyun Bin) is a wealthy man, smart and good looking but he’s character can also be sometimes.. how should I put it…. Difficult to handle XD. He’s the CEO of the luxurious Roel Department store and his mother want him to marry a wealthy woman with great family background.
Oska his cousin and a big Hallyu Star asked Joo Won to pick up the actress Park Chae –Rin  from a shooting. Joo Won mistakes the Stuntwoman Gil Ra- Im (Ha Ji Won) for the actress. Gil Ra-Im lives with her best friend played by the actress Yoo In-Na and loves to be a stuntwoman. She’s not rich and her dad who was a firefighter died during a mission.

Joo-Won is fascinated by that woman and also about her character. He tries to get near hear and at the beginning he wanted to have just fun with her. But during a trip they both drank an alcohol which was a magic drink and their body switched with each other. Now they have to figure out how to get back in their bodies and also how the life of the other one is. After some time they switched back and Joo-Won fell complete for Ra-Im. Ra-Im doesn’t want to show her feelings and tries to get more distance but she didn’t expect that Kim Joo-Won would follow her around. 

This Drama is nice and easy to watch and I love to see a Stuntwoman in action XD. It’s really nice to see how stuntmen or stuntwomen are working and how dangerous their life can be. And the body switching part makes the whole drama funnier but also more sensitive. Ha Ji-Won and Hyun Bin are working great together and they play really great their roles. Of course the soundtrack helps often to get it more sensitive and makes me addicted XD

Secret Garden is perfect for a rainy weekend or during winter  It’s also great to watch when you want to watch all drama or movies with Ha Ji Won or Hyun Bin XD
I hope everyone will watch this drama even for once  I think it’s a must – to- watch-drama

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Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2017

VIECC 2016

Hello everyone! Vienna Comic Con 2016…
 It was great and also the first time for me cosplaying. I cosplayed Yuki Kuran from Vampire Knight. And first I thought I will feel awkward or just strange. But it was totally awesome and fun. I didn’t feel like myself but like a piece of me which I’ve never could show to anyone before. If that makes any sense XD. The best part and also the best marking part of my costume was Artemis  my wapon. Everyone from my group just found me again or the rest of the group with me because of Artemis XD it was really easy to find each other again after we part or lost each other. Ok now back to the topic.

 Vienna Comic Con …. It was bigger this time than in 2015. At the VIECC 2016 were 2 halls and also I think more “stores” and more artists. And the “funny” part for myself was when some people asked me for a picture with them XD that was an awesome and strange feeling at the same time XD The first one was a guy who cosplayed Sasuke from Naruto that was a great crossover XD I’m a big fan of Sasuke and made me smile XD But I was also so perplex that I forgot to take also a pic with my phone ;(
The sweetest moment was when a little girl asked me if she can have a pic she was really cute and so happy when I said yes. OOOOOOOh  I wanted to hug her. I think I also smiled like her when I found the best Black Butler team cosplay ever  and took pics with them. OOOH that made my Black Butler heart jump sooo high XD XD. At the Comic Con were many people who just came for the Youtube stars who were also more than the year before. I have to say the organisation and the events and so many other things were really good and I had more fun because it was good organised. So a big thanks to the VIECC Team who organised such a great Comic Con!!!!!!
At the Comic con you saw so many things and stars and goodie bags that you were really overwhelmed with everything XD That was one of the reasons when I came home and fall dead into my bed. We bought many goodie bags and gift boxes that was also a great idea because there were so many and great stuffs in there. It was really worth it and they would have been also great surprises for birthdays etc. Next year I’m also going to buy a gift box or a theme gift box. After I saw what was in there when my friends opened them XD gosh I need one of that XD 

So everyone who wants to have fun, experience something new or is interested to go to a Comic Con I recommend the VIECC and to bring a lot of money with you XD

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Sonntag, 12. Februar 2017

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo

A big HELLO again after some break!! The drama I want to talk about is “Weightlifting Fairy Kim bok joo”. A K-drama about a girl who is doing weightlifting and want to become an Olympic champion. It’s the first drama or serie I know which is about this topic. I think that’s refreshing and great and also makes you think about the life of real weightlifter. 

Kim Bok Joo is played by the actress Lee Sung- Kyung and is a promising collegiate weightlifter. Her father runs with the help of her uncle a small chicken restaurant and is very proud of his daughter. The character Bok Joo is a very loyal friend and she has a strong sense of justice. She and her friends from the weightlifting dorm are not very popular with guys and don’t have a boyfriend. Moreover the girls of the weightlifting dorm don’t get along with the girls of the gymnastic team. But the new roommate of Bok Joo is a girl from the gymnastic team (and the ex-girlfriend of Jung Joon-Huyk). One day Kim Bok Joo bumps into a guy called Jung Joon-Hyung who is riding his bycicle and is from the swimmer team. Jung Joon-Hyung (played by Nam Joo-Hyuk) is a good looking 21-year old swimmer who is also very popular. It takes a while  till they both remember that they know each other from childhood. When they were children Kim Bok Joo saved Jung Joon- hyung’s life when he fell out of a window and caught him.
This was the beginning of their new friendship and also for their feelings. This drama is a very nice drama which gives you a smile on your face and also gives your heart a warm and soft feeling. And the soundtrack of this drama is just awesome! I love to listen to the songs and also remember the scenes when the song was played. The combination of the story from this drama and the soundtrack is really great and makes you dream about your life and the drama.

I also have to admit that I got motivated to do more sport because of this drama XD but maybe that’s just me. I can really recommend this drama to everyone who want’s to see a cute, soft and nice drama about a weightlifting girl who wants to love someone and also want to just be a girl.
PS: Here some of the Songs and also my favourites(the first 3 one :D)
From now on – Kim Min Seung
I’ll pick you up - Standing Egg
You and I-Kim Jong Wan
Dream- Han Hee Jung
Permeate- Lee Hai In
Somehow- Jamie

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Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2016

Hanazakari no kimitachi e / はなやかりのきみたちえ

Hello everyone! This time I want to write about my first asian drama :) which is the source and the beginning of my obsession with asian dramen. HANAZAKARI NO KIMITACHI E. After watching this drama I also bought the manga called Hana Kimi to the full blossom of you. There are also some other versions -> korean, taiwanese, chinese. And if you combinate the korean and the japanese one you have the full manga :)

I saw the drama from the year 2007 with Maki Horikita, Shun Oguri and Hiro Mizushima. Maki Horikita plays the character Ashiya Mizuki, a girl who enrolled into an only boys high school in Japan. The main reason is the high jumper Sano Izumi who stopped to high jump. Mizuki is his new roommate and the beginning in this new school wans't really easy. Nakatsu Shuichi played by Toma Ikuta is a soccer player and also a friend of Sano. Naktasu didn't like Mizuki at the beginning but after some time he fell for her and because of this fact he's confused and believes to be gay. The story is really great and funny. I love to watch this drama over and over again also the remake of the japanese one :) it goes also with the manga. If I want to read something "sweet" and funny I read it again.
In this school there are 3 dormitory and every dormitory has his own leader for the 2nd  it's Minami Nanba played by Hiro Mizushima and it's also the same dormitory where Sano, Mizuki and Nakatsu are in. The character Nanba is a playboy but does everything for his dorm and for the school. Moreover the 3 dorms are always in a fight because they want to show which dorm is the best but it's great if some difficulties are coming up to see how they work together and fight for the same goal: to protect the school and their students. What's really great is that you learn something about each character also about the minor characters and that's awesome!!
I really can recommend this drama!! And I hope some of you also are going to read the manga :)
I'm not going to write more about this drama because if I did it would take the whole day XD
Everyone enjoy your drama and have a nice day!! :)

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Martina (まるていな)

Samstag, 12. November 2016

Running Man

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to write about the variety show Running Man and also show you guys 2 of my fanarts of this show :) I'm going to draw the other members soon too :)

About Running Man: it is a south korean variety show, and the first episode was aired in 2010. At the beginning there were 5 regular members and after some guest episdoes Ji Hyo, Gary and Song Joong-ki were also regular members. :) I wanted to write about Running man because after so many years with great efforts and funny and really tough scene Gary left the team to concentrate more on his music career.
Now the members: Yoo Jae- suk or also known as grasshopper or Yoo-ruce Willis XD He is a funny and great guy and I love the grasshopper hunting episodes XD when I didn't have a great day this episode always makes me laugh and also forget the day.
Haha or Haroro or Roro is a nice guy but he can also be  mean XD the best episode where he showed I think for the first time what he can really do, was the episode with his wife. They were so great and he did everything to show his wife and his little son who was watching this episode what kind of man he is. Also the story about him and his wife it's just  sweet and nice.
Ji Suk-jin XD one of the unlucky members of the Running Man team. He's also known as Big Nose.  Sometimes you really feel pity for him because the luck isn't on his side during the games XD. I think he's a nice man and also funny and I'm sure he's a great father for his son who is also a big fan of him :)
The other unlucky guy is  Lee Kwang.-soo :) his nicknames are Giraffe or Kwangvatar XD and I know him from some drama but he never had the main role.. at Running Man you see his "bad" character. I think most of the time he takes revenge and cheats during the different games. Lee Kwang- soo is a great actor and I was glad and also surprised how great he was when I watched Puck!. I really can recommend this one :)
Now it's time for Sparta -kook, Commander, Tiger, Mr. Capable or just Kim Jong-kook. He is the fitness, muscle and tough guy of the Running Man team but he's singing voice is just soft and makes you relax.
When Jong-kook and Ji Hyo are together in a team or have to compete against each other that's sooo great and entertaining and also it's like two great fighters XD.
The next member is Gary or Squid or  Monday Boyfriend .... it's really sad that he left and also the official last episode with him was sad and really emotional :(  Running Man won't be the same without him. Gary shows often his funny side but he's also a great man who has a great fighting spirit. When Song Joong-ki left after a year it was also sad, but after 6 years it's much more difficult to imagine Running Man without Gary. The Monday Couple ( Gary and Ji Hyo) were always funny and a great pair of team :). I hope his goals are coming true :D

And last but not least Song Ji Hyo :) she's my hero and she's one of my favourite Running Man members :) I love to watch also her acting skills at some great Dramen like Emergency Couple :)
Ji Hyos nicknames are Blank Ji, Ace, Monday Girlfriend or Bad Ji -hyo XD. It's always the best when Bad Ji-hyo or the Ace are coming out XD . Sometimes you feel bad for the guys because Ji Hyo can be furies and she's also strong :) she completes the Runing Man cast. I love the episodes where she wins the games and also shows how strong women can be :)

The best thing at Running Man are not just the members but also their guests and the games.One of my favourite game is the nametag game ^^ when the members have to rip off each others nametag XD Some of the guest are for example Big Bang XD. The actors and actresses and also the idol groups have to go sometimes through tough times during Running Man :) If you want to laugh and also get
 stomachache because of the laughing you have to watch Running Man :) Sometimes I'm cheering and screaming more during watching Running Man than when I'm watching some sport games XD like ice hockey.

I wish everyone a nice day and I hope you are going to watch some Running Man episodes :) they are worth to be watched :)

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Martina (マルテイナ)


Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2016

Comic Con Vienna 2015

COMIC CON is going to be on 19 november again XD and I can't wait XD XD
Last year was the first big comic con in vienna :) and I went there with my friends :D we had a lot of fun and also I met Natalie Tena (from Harry Potter and Game of Thrones), she was sooo great and nice to all of her fans who waited a long time in the row to meet her... for a picture with her and an autograph you have to pay but for me it was every cent worth it!!! She didn't only give me her autograph she also talked for a while with me and hugged me. Everyone who isn't sure if he or she should pay at the comic con for autographs or picutres ... I can tell you... try it and maybe it will be also that great like for me!!  For everyone who takes a lot of money with you.... DON'T especially for girls is this rule really important XD

There were some posters of my favourite kpop bands and that was sooo not awesome for me because I had a limited amount of money with me but I was also happy about that because I had to think more if  I really need this. And sooo many toys and food and ...and... just too much XD

Last year there was also Kit from Knight Rhider the Throne of Game of Thrones and of course STAR WARS XD
Here some picutres I took last year :

 ´What I really can recommend to you all are the surprise bags!! They were my money sooo worth it XD XD and this year I have enough money with me to buy as many as I want XD XD XD
At the Comic con are not only actres and actresses there are also some game stops and artists :) Like Jae lee who I got also an autograph at one of his books :) which i bought many months before :) For me the day was like... I don't know how to describe it... It was just great and all the people there were just friendly, funny and amazing and also the costumes ...some of them were...AMAZING!!! Like this one!! 
Just a few weeks to wait and then HELLO COMIC CON :D and this year I'm going to wear also a costume :)
I wish everyone a nice day and if you are going to the comic con in Vienna :) enjoy it XD

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Martina (マルテイナ)

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2016

Love Rain 2012

Hello everyone! I usually write about ongoing drama but I also want to write about my favourite old ones. Like Love Rain.... I love to watch this drama when the weather isn't that great and it's getting colder and the winter is near. In this drama the actor Jang Keun- suk and the actress Yoona are playing the main characters in the past and present. Yoona plays now in the drama K2 but about this drama I'm going to write soon ;)

Past day: In-Ha (jang keun suk) is an art student and with his 2 friends he enjoys life. One day he meets Yoon-he (Yoona) and it takes just 3 seconds for him to fall in love with her. There is a bond between them that no one can't really understand. But his friend Dong-Wook fellt also in love with her and ask In-ha to help him. This is not the only sitatuation which makes everything more complicated for them both.

Present Day: Ha-Na (Yoona) is a student who study in Hokkaido in Japan and is about to depart back to South Korea. Joon( Jang Keun suk) is a photographer and a big playboy. They both bump into each other at the train station and her cellphone falls into Joons pocket. Later Joon hears a strange  ring tone and finds Ha-Nas phone. On her phone are pics from the legend Diamond Snow. Joon wants to take photos there and makes Ha-Na to bring him there. But Ha-Na doens't want to watch it together with him because the legend says that people who are watching Diamond Snow together will fall in love. And at this time Ha-Nas heart pounds for someone else. Both of them don't know that this meeting was fate and some circumstances are going to happen. Also life is going to be more complicated thanks to their parents.......


This Drama is really lovely and I love the story and soundtrack of this drama. One of my favourite songs of this drama is Again and Again from Yozoh. Perfect song also for rainy days ;)

I hope everyone enjoys his/her drama and I wish you all a nice day :)

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Martina (マルテイナ)